How to Handle & Hold

Hi no Taiko Banner
Japanese flute contents of my Wed are not offical. It is a personal wed. Please look at them for your reference.

How to Handle

If you play "Yoko-Bue" for a long time, moisture will build up inside of it. To properly clean it you will need to make a "Tsuyu-Toushi" before learn to play.

For this you will need:
* Stuffs of "Tsuyu-Toushi"
Fa weight ball is smaller than "Uta-Kuchi", a piece of dry cloth and string (is longer than "Yoko-Bue").
* How to make and use "Tsuyu-Toushi"
FTie the string to the weight and to the corner of the cloth. Drop the small weight through "Uta-Kuchi" and pull it out from "Kan-Bi" . Yoko-Bue

* Notes
FTake care of "Yoko-Bue" on the inside with "Tsuyu-Toushi" , and wipe its outside with dry clean cloth after you have finished playing it.

previous japanese

Hi no Taiko Banner
Japanese flute contents of my Wed are not offical. It is a personal wed. Please look at them for your reference.

How to Hold


Now then, let's hold "Yoko-Bue". And of course, you should sit up nice and straight before starting to play it !


How to hold the left hand

Put the first joint of each finger (forefinger, middle finger, ring finger) over the holes starting at "Uta-Kuchi". (these holes are called numbers "7, 6, and 5"). And put thumb under near "Uta-Kuchi".

How to hold the right hand

Each of the finger's (forefinger, middle finger, ring finger) at the second joint are put over the holes (three holes "4, 3, 2" from"Kan-Bi"). The little finger is put over the last or #1 hole.


Additional notes:

1) You may relax your shoulder and streach your back before your hand hold it.
2) If you are right-handed, you hold "Yoko-Bue" at your right side. (If You are left-handed, you hold it at your left side.) Take a deep breath, expand your chest a bit and breathe out from your abdomen.
3) Now hold the flute horizontal with the fingers in the positions noted above.

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