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During "Mikuni-Matsuri" period, automobile traffic is closed the street from the Keifuku Mikuni station to Mikuni shinto shrine (this street is standed many street stalls in a line along). So if you go to "Mikuni -Matsuri" by your car, you'll have to be careful there are some traffic regulations in this town. We think you had better use the Keifuku train.
But on our advise you park your car in Mikuni-Kita elementary school (there is this building on halfway up "Ryusyo-slope"). And if You go through "Ettsele- slope" (a sidewalk bridge) " from here and arrive at the Mikuni shinto shrine by walk.


Good time !

If you want to view all "Dashi", you'll go to the front of Mikuni shinto shrine at about noon. And there is second chance that they lining up main street to the front of Keifuku Mikuni station on this evening (about 5 o'clock).
We hope you'll see several great festival cars which are an honor to Mikuni town in conclusion.

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