Taikommunication (C)1999. Yansa no Kaicyo

A trash box for playing Taiko exercises

Thanks a lot to Yoshihara-san



* A trash box (45L)

* A gummed tape (but maybe a close tape makes sound better than it ...)

* A sheet of thin paper (size a little more round the rim of a trash box.

How to make

1. Spread and strain the paper on a trash box.
A trash box for playing Taiko exercises
2.Stick a gummed tape (or a close tape) radically on the paper.
A trash box for playing Taiko exercises
3.Also stick it lengthways on it.
A trash box for playing Taiko exercises
4.Coil it 2 around a trash box.
A trash box for playing Taiko exercises
5.That's all. And try to devise for the outside.
A trash box for playing Taiko exercises A trash box for playing Taiko exercises
A trash box for playing Taiko exercises A trash box for playing Taiko exercises

Of course the sounds of a trash box Taiko are different from the real thing. however, I listened to them like good sounds (for exercises...).

From the above contridution (`_`)

I made it soon. I thought made a thing was good feeling. I had so nice information that I tried to make other one.

My way to make it was using thick plastic and transparency gummed tape (for packing) instead of the paper, a normal gummed tape.

The exercise Taiko I made this way was played better sounds which were near to real. It is enough for exercises, however a difficult point of it whether is everlasting of the tape or not. Most advantageous of the Taiko is low price to repair the skin (a paper and a tape) many times.

After all, I made three kinds Taikos, which each size is 42centimeters, 30cm, 18cm wide. I think larger (or wider) Taiko was played better sounds.

Thanks to Ichihara-san,(Shinhassamu-Furusato Taiko Group)

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Taiko Dashi Flute Sounds Japanese
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