Hino Taiko
Taikommunication (C)1999. Yansa no kaicyo

"Our exchanging letters"
太鼓ミュニケーション広場 _1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10_

の手紙はアメリカのサンフランシスコ太鼓道場に所属しているRik S***rさん と 私、KuniとのE-mailのやり取りを掲載したものです。Rikさんには許可をいただ いて います。すべて英文ですが、こうした形で違う国籍の者同士でも、太鼓を通じて 理解 しあえることを知ってほしいと思います。

Thank you, Rik-san!
Let's Taikommunication!


Re: Thank you

Hi Kuni,

Thank you for your reply. Don't be sorry, there are so many taiko groups it would be pretty difficult to have heard of them all. Tell me about yourself a little please. Have you been playing the taiko for a very long time? How often do you practice?

I will send you one of our CD's for your listening pleasure. Please email with a mailing address and I will post it.

I am pretty excited about having corespondance with you. In our Dojo, we believe all taiko drummers are like brothers and sisters. There are probably about 200 or so people who are active in San Francisco Taiko Dojo including students and performers, so we are like one big family. So writing to you is kind of like writing to a brother I have never met. Hope to hear from you again soon,


Re: Re: Thank you

Hello Rik.

Hi Rik. Thank you for your response. I am glad to be called your brother by you and I would like to see you and your party someday. Now, I'll take advantage of your favor, I hope to send your CD. My post address is following.

Kuni**** Syoyama ***-**** *-*-* ******* Mikuni-cho Sakaigun Fukui Japan

I have been playing Yoko-bue(a Japanese flute) for about twenty years and Taiko for about ten years. So That is the first I began to play Yoko-bue, and then later on Taiko. Our club practices once a week. But it is hard to come together the meeting for others because they are busy. Do you come together easily? If you like, please tell me something about your practice's state.

Thank you.






Letter ありがとうございました

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